Saturday, October 6, 2012

Showered With Love

Brent and I went home this weekend for my baby shower put on by my mom and sister. 

And it was beautiful.

Right after walking into the hall they rented off Samaria Road in Michigan, I saw so many special touches to make sure my day truly was special

The tables were all covered in blue tablecloths with homemade centerpieces consisting of halved gallon milk cartons wrapped in diapers and turned upside-down atop doilies. And on top of each carton was a different stuffed animal for the little guy. Every place setting also received a plastic silverware set hand-rolled in a napkin tied with a blue ribbon and a baby footprint cupcake holder full of candy.

Baby decorations were pinned to the walls and a feast of chili, stew, salad, and veggies were served to the about 30 guests in attendance. A table with an elegant cake stood off to the side flanked by baby pictures of Brent and I.

After all the guests had eaten, we played the Meller Baby Quiz! that I prepared for everyone ahead of time. Although I guess I made it a bit too hard, as the two people who got the most answers correct out of 17 were my cousins Breanne and Alexis, who answered 12 correctly.

Then, unbeknownst to me, my mom and sister played a game in which they asked everyone to write down how big my belly was. (And I refuse to acknowledge that the 42 inches it turned out to be is the relative height of a child in middle school.)

The gift-opening followed, and although I felt a little awkward to be opening presents in front of a large room of people, the adorable outfits, bibs, toys, and baby gadgets ended up being the stars of the show. 

I feel so blessed to have such a wonderful family who worked so hard to throw me a gorgeous shower and make sure I'm as prepared as I can be to welcome the little guy home.

Love you guys!

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