Monday, November 5, 2012

Baby Newsletter Week 37: Holy Moly!

Below is a copy of one of the weekly newsletters my friend, Heather, sent to our friends at work during my pregnancy as the BPA (Baby Personal Assistant):

Wowzas! We are almost there!!!!!!!! 3 WEEKS!!!! We all think Erika's water will be breaking at work… soon! :-)

Baby Swiss Cheese:
-Baby is really long! And weighs 6 1/3 lb (give or take an ounce)!!
-Baby is also now considered "Full term"- woot woot! That means Erika should consider giving birth soon.. Like now… in the office! :-)
-If/when Erika goes into labor soon, baby's lungs are most likely mature enough to fully adjust to life outside of the womb.
-Many baby's have a full set of hair now too… who thinks Erika and Brent's baby will be hairy?!
-We also shouldn't be surprised (or worried) if the baby's hair doesn't match the parents… even if Brent is a ghost!
-"Dark-haired couples are sometimes thrown for a loop when their children come out as blonds or redheads, and fair-haired couples have been surprised by Elvis look-alikes. And then, of course, some babies sport only peach fuzz." hahaha

Mama Swiss Cheese:
-Braxton Hicks contractions will be coming more frequently- Erika has already admitted she is twitching uncontrollably! Come on by and watch!
-The Hicks contractions are becoming uncomfortable, so let's all have some love for this girl!
-A nose bleed may occur, if so the baby is only a few days away!
-Anxiety about labor and becoming a parent causes EXTREME and INTENSE dreams! -"Anxiety both about labor and about becoming a parent can fuel a lot of strange flights of unconscious fancy." 

We're in the home stretch!!! Yay!!! Lots of love, prayers, and good karma to the soon to be parents!

-Heather The Official BPA

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