Below is a copy of one of the weekly newsletters my friend, Heather, sent to our friends at work during my pregnancy as the BPA (Baby Personal Assistant):
Hello Baby Scouts! We are at week 17!!
Hello Baby Scouts! We are at week 17!!
-Baby is sweaty (so is Erika!) and its sweat glands are starting to develop
Mama Mellesaurus:
center of gravity is slowly starting to change and she may be unsteady
on her feet! (or you can see if a marshmallow will
begin to orbit around her!)
-She needs to avoid all activities that may have a high risk of falling- I guess volleyball is out!
-Low-heeled shoes are a must now a days!
-Her eyes are also becoming drier… so don't look to her for any tears!
Dreaming during Pregnancy:
women report that their dream life shifts into high gear during
pregnancy. Interestingly, during the second and third trimesters,
you spend less sleep time in rapid eye movement (REM) sleep, the cycle
in which most dreams occur. It's probably at least in part because you
may be interrupting a dream-filled cycle when you wake up to pee, cope
with heartburn, leg cramps, restless legs,
or a backache, or to shift to a more comfortable position. Waking up
during REM sleep makes you more likely to remember your dreams.
Heather, the official BPA
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