Below is a copy of one of the weekly newsletters my friend, Heather, sent to our friends at work during my pregnancy as the BPA (Baby Personal Assistant):
Hello Baby Scouts!!!
Hello Baby Scouts!!!
Week 19! Wow time flies when we're having fun!
Baby Meltser-smeltser:
-Baby's brain is going crazy with development! Its brain now has areas for smell, taste, hearing, vision, and touch!
-Some researchers say that baby can now hear voices! So come on over and introduce yourself to it!
-Baby's arms and legs are finally the right proportions!
-Kidneys are making urine and hair is sprouting from its scalp!
-A waxy protective coating called the vernix caseosa is forming on
its skin to prevent it from pickling in the amniotic fluid. -this is a
super weird fact!
Mama Meltser-smeltser:
-She is achy in her lower abdomen with an occasional brief stabbing pain on one or both sides.
-With all that extra estrogen her palms are turning red! Some come on over and give a high five to the lady in red!
-Her skin may also be turning darker b/c of temporary increase in
pigment… so she's also like a Dalmatian! Or… its called chloasma, "the
mask of pregnancy," so don't worry when you see dark spotches on Erika's
upper lip, cheeks, or forehead!
Happy fourth!
Heather the Official BPA
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