Monday, November 19, 2012

Baby Newsletter Week 39 & 40

Below is a copy of one of the weekly newsletters my friend, Heather, sent to our friends at work during my pregnancy as the BPA (Baby Personal Assistant):

Hi Everyone!

BABY IS COMING SOOOOO SOON! :-) We're doing both weeks since Erika won't be here next week b/c HOPEFULLY she will have had the baby (of course not to interfere with the Michigan/Ohio State game!)

Small Baby Mini-Watermelon/Pumpkin Boy:

-Baby is getting fat to help control his body temperature

-The outer layer of skin is also "sloughing off" as new skin forms underneath (gross… I'm getting him a loofah!)

-His skull bones are not yet fused, which allows them to overlap a bit if it's a snug fit through the birth canal (cool and gross)--This is called "molding" and the baby may have a goofy looking noggin at first!

-He will bring so many smiles and much love to everyone!!!!

Bigger Mama Not so mini-watermelon/Pumpkin Meller:

-Time for several checkups to keep on eye on baby's growth and position!

-There is no way to predict when the baby is coming (we did feed her spicy food and maker her jump… so hopefully today!)

-While we wait (extremely impatiently), the baby should be moving a lot and wiggling around in there.

-Only 8% of women's water breaks… who wants to guess if Mama Mel is in that 8%?!

-What to expect after: weight loss (losing 12 lbs with the baby and all the gross fluids!), hmm… there are a lot of other gross things listed in this section, I'll just tell Erika and spare all of you the horrifying details. 

Best of luck and lots of love to the soon to be parents! We are all so excited for you two and know you will make great parents! :-)

The last newsletter until the birth announcement!!!

Heather, the one, the only, official BPA.

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