Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Dear Colin (3 years old)

Dear Colin:

Whoever coined the term "terrible twos" clearly did not yet have a three-year-old. Wow - everything they say about tantrums in year three being worse than year two is right. You're not only physically bigger and stronger (and squirm and kick harder!) but your will is iron-clad. When you get an idea in your head, I have to prepare for a long-drawn-out battle if it's one I choose to fight. 

The latest battle I knew I had to fight was when I told you that you had to wear socks with your shoes earlier this month (oh the horror!). It was chilly outside and it took myself and two of your cousins to put socks and shoes on you and strap you in the car. Without your coat. Because I was already exhausted with trying to put shoes on you, the car was warm, and I thought you'd settle down after we started driving. Thirty minutes later, when we were pulling into the parking lot of the mall, you were still screaming about having to wear socks. I gave up on even attempting to put on your coat. I'll laugh about this one one day. Probably. Four is going to be better, right?

For the usual day-to-day battles, like about how many cartoon episodes you can watch before we leave or how many books we can read before bed, you are a master negotiator. I mean that. You heard it here first, kiddo - you are going to be an attorney when you grow up. A typical conversation goes like this:

"OK Colin, go ahead and pick the book you want to read before bed."
"No, not one book. Two."
"One, Colin."
"NOPE. Two."
"Either one or zero!"
"Colin, come on. Just pick one."
"I'll pick two short ones I promise! Let's compromise, mama!"
"Ugh, fine." 

Yeah, I've taught you about compromise, but you still manage to use it to your advantage. And you're so adorable when we're trying to make a deal with me that I usually just go with your extremely unbalanced settlements. I mean how am I supposed to resist your adorable face?

Just do mama one favor... try and let mama think she won a few times in the near future so I can save some face, OK?

Love you Bunga.
